Fundamental Analysis of KeyCorp (PFD- H) - Growth / Value Index

KEY-PL - Valuation Highlights

Valuation Analysis

   Undervalued - Price to Intrinsic Value of 0.285
   Price to Book Ratio is 0.287 indicating that it is undervalued.
Valuation Key Ratios
Ratio TTM Latest FY Yoy Change MRQ
Price to Earning 24.22 16.30 47.83 %
Price to Book 0.284 1.44 -8.14 % 1.46
Price to Sales 2.52 3.22 7.28 %
Enterprise Value to EBITDA Multiple 0 8.92 -37.39 %

KEY-PL - Profitability Highlights

Profitability Analysis

   Piotroski F Score - Good Value of 7.0
   Gives Dividend Yield of 6.75 %
   EBITDA is continuously increasing for last 3 Years
   Good Net Margin of 10.40% is achieved by the company
   Tsr Profitability Index - Poor Score of 34.38
   Low Earning Yield of 4.08 %
   In the last three years, the company has given poor Returns on Assets
Profitability Key Ratios
Ratio TTM Latest FY Yoy Change MRQ
Return On Equity 6.18 8.85 -37.86 % 1.51
Return On Asset 0.457 0.688 -31.84 % 0.117
Net Profit Margin 10.40 19.78 -27.43 % 8.17
Operating Profit Margin 36.41 0.0458 -96.87 % 10.38
EBITDA Margin 8.39 73.24 53.27 % -1.34

Market Cap0
Enterprise Value0
Price/Book TTM0.284
Outstanding Share0
Float/ Outstanding Share%
Dividend Yield6.80 %
Share Holding
Guru Numbers
Price/Graham No1.25
Peter Lynch Ratio-1.33
Piotroski F Score7.00
Altman Z Score0.233
Sloan Ratio-0.0114
Peter Lynch Fair Value5.75

KEY-PL - Growth Highlights

Growth Analysis

   Tsr Growth Index - Very Poor Score of 16.40
Growth Key Fields
Field TTM YoY Growth QoQ Growth
Revenue 8405.00 M 6.84 % 0.714 %
Gross Profit 8405.00 M 47.83 % 0.714 %
EBITDA 705000 K 42.78 % 228.57 %
Net Profit 874000 K 32.39 % 236.92 %
EPS 0.935 32.35 % NA

KEY-PL - Stability Highlights

Stability Analysis

   Tsr Stability Index - Poor Score of 20.31
   Altman Z Score of 0.233 suggest high risk
   Company has high debt burden
Stability Key Ratios
Ratio Latest FY Yoy Change MRQ
Debt to Equity Ratio 1.55 -24.75 % 1.83
Cash Ratio 0.100 -99.30 %
Quick Ratio 0.239 -98.36 % 0.634
Shareholders Equity 7.77 9.68 %
Debt to EBITDA 4.72 -42.67 %

Historical Valuation Ratios of KeyCorp (PFD- H)

Historical Valuation Ratios
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Historical Profitability Ratios of KeyCorp (PFD- H)

Historical Profitability Ratios
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Historical Efficiency Ratios of KeyCorp (PFD- H)

Historical Efficiency Ratios
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Historical Solvency Ratios of KeyCorp (PFD- H)

Historical Solvency Ratios
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Note : All Data Generated at the End of Trading Hours (EOD Data)