Piotroski F-Score Analysis of Seapeak LLC (PFD- A) - Deep Dive

Piotroski F-Score of SEAL-PA
Excellent Piotroski F-Score
Indecisive Piotroski F-Score
Key Inputs in Deriving Piotroski F-Score
Latest Net Income is 27.01.
Return On Asset ROA is 4.77.
Cash From ops Activity is 33.83.
Cash From ops Activity is 33.83 Cr and Net Income is 27.01 Cr.
Latest Debt To Equity is 40.14 And previous Years Debt To Equity is 37.92.
Latest Current Ratio is 0.698 And previous Years Current Ratio is 0.548.
Latest Outstanding Shares are 8.86 Cr And previous Years Outstanding Shares are 8.86 Cr.
Latest Gross Margin is 43.82 And previous Years Gross Margin is 43.12.
Latest Asset Turnover Ratio is 12.42 And previous Years Asset Turnover Ratio is 11.82.
Piotroski F-Score Analysis of Seapeak LLC (PFD- A)
Piotroski F-Score Ratio with value of 8.00 was highest in Year Dec-23 in last Five Years.
Piotroski F-Score Ratio with value of 4.00 was lowest in Year Dec-22 in last Five Years.
Latest Piotroski F-Score Ratio with value of 8.00 is Greater than Average Piotroski F-Score of 6.40 in last five years.
Other Piotroski F-Score Related Info of SEAL-PA that may interest you.
Seapeak LLC (PFD- A) Overview
CodePricePrevious PricePrice ChangeSector
SEAL-PA26.1325.5 2.47 % Oil & Gas Midstream
Fundamental AnalysisTechnical Analysis
Defination of Piotroski F-Score
The Piotroski F-Score is a combination of 9 criteria that reflects the financial strength of companies. It is a discrete score between 0 to 9. For every criterion met out of 9 criteria one point is rewarded. This metric is useful to judge value stocks.   more ..

Piotroski F-Score Related Ratios

Tsr Value Index
Excellent Value
FY - Historical Piotroski F-Score of Seapeak LLC (PFD- A)
Piotroski F-Score8.
Change100.00 %-33.33 %0 %-25.00 %33.33 %0 %-14.29 %
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FY Chart of Piotroski F-Score of Seapeak LLC (PFD- A)

Note : All Data Generated at the End of Trading Hours (EOD Data)