Net Profit Margin ratio Analysis of Fidus Investment Corp - Deep Dive

Latest FY NPM
Period Ending - Dec-23


Excellent NPM
Period Ending - Dec-22

Excellent NPM
27.71 %
Trailing Twelve Months NPM
Period Ending - Dec-23


Excellent NPM
Most recent Quarter NPM
Period Ending - Mar-24


Excellent NPM
NPM Analysis of Fidus Investment Corp
NPM Ratio of Fidus Investment Corp with value of 59.21 indicates that a company is able to control its costs effectively and offer goods or services at a much higher price than its costs in trailing twelve months.
NPM Ratio of Fidus Investment Corp with value of 88.50 indicates that a company is able to control its costs effectively and offer goods or services at a much higher price than its costs in latest Quarter ending on Mar-24.
NPM Ratio of FDUS rose handsomely by 27.71 % this year.
NPM Ratio with value of 89.68 was highest in Year Dec-21 in last Five Years.
NPM Ratio with value of 56.53 was lowest in Year Dec-22 in last Five Years.
Latest NPM Ratio with value of 72.19 is lower than Average NPM of 76.68 in last five years.
Other NPM Related Info of FDUS that may interest you.
Fidus Investment Corp Overview
CodePricePrevious PricePrice ChangeSector
FDUS19.7919.79 0 % Asset Management
Fundamental AnalysisTechnical Analysis
Defination of Net Profit Margin
Net Margin is the company's Net Profit divided by the Total Revenue. This profitability metric indicates how much a net profit is generated for each rupee of revenue earned. In simple terms, it tells how much the company is generating profit for each rupee of revenue earned in percentage. It measures the company's profitability and management's capability to manage its expenses to generate profit.   more ..
Net Profit Margin Formula

NPM Related Ratios

Tsr Profitability Index
Low Profitability Stock
FY - Historical Net Profit Margin of Fidus Investment Corp
Change27.71 %-36.96 %14.79 %-10.07 %-0.098 %-0.196 %-3.20 %
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FY Chart of Net Profit Margin of Fidus Investment Corp

Note : All Data Generated at the End of Trading Hours (EOD Data)