Shareholders Equity ratio Analysis of Agile Growth Corp - Deep Dive

Shareholders Equity of AGGR
Excellent Shareholders Equity
Shareholders Equity Analysis of Agile Growth Corp
Shareholder to Equity Ratio of Agile Growth Corp with value of 92.61 indicates that shareholders own a High proportion of the assets of the company.
Other Shareholders Equity Related Info of AGGR that may interest you.
Agile Growth Corp Overview
CodePricePrevious PricePrice ChangeSector
AGGR10.2110.19 0.196 % Shell Companies
Fundamental AnalysisTechnical Analysis
Defination of Shareholders Equity
The Shareholders Equity Ratio measures how much the company's assets are funded using shareholder's equity instead of debt. This metric also tells how much shareholders claim on the company's assets in a time of liquidation.    more ..
Shareholders Equity Formula

Shareholders Equity Related Ratios

Tsr Stability Index
Excellent Stability
FY - Historical Shareholders Equity of Agile Growth Corp
Shareholders Equity92.61
FY Chart of Shareholders Equity of Agile Growth Corp

Note : All Data Generated at the End of Trading Hours (EOD Data)