Price to Earning ratio Analysis of Summit Hotel Prop Inc. (PFD- F) - Deep Dive

Latest FY PE
Period Ending - Dec-23


Very Poor PE
Period Ending - Dec-22

Very Poor PE
-253.90 %
Trailing Twelve Months PE
Period Ending - Dec-23


Very Poor PE
PE Analysis of Summit Hotel Prop Inc. (PFD- F)
P/E Ratio -192.12 of Summit Hotel Prop Inc. (PFD- F) is negative because of negative EPS.
PE Ratio of INN-PF drastically fell by -253.90 % this year.
PE Ratio with value of 25.06 was highest in Year Dec-19 in last Five Years.
PE Ratio of INN-PF trending down for at least three Years.
Latest PE Ratio with value of -435.65 is lower than Average PE of -115.94 in last five years.
Other PE Related Info of INN-PF that may interest you.
Summit Hotel Prop Inc. (PFD- F) Overview
CodePricePrevious PricePrice ChangeSector
INN-PF19.8219.62 1.02 % REIT-Hotel & Motel
Fundamental AnalysisTechnical Analysis
Defination of Price to Earning
PE Ratio measures the relationship between the company's current stock price and EPS (Earnings Per Share). PE Ratio indicates how many times investors pay money to get 1 rupee of return. It is one of the important parameters to evaluate whether a company's stock price is overvalued or undervalued.    more ..
Price to Earning Formula

PE Related Ratios

Tsr Value Index
Poor Value Stock
FY - Historical Price to Earning of Summit Hotel Prop Inc. (PFD- F)
Change-253.90 %-289.83 %-118.59 %-157.63 %10.06 %9.12 %8.66 %
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FY Chart of Price to Earning of Summit Hotel Prop Inc. (PFD- F)

Note : All Data Generated at the End of Trading Hours (EOD Data)